summer break for teachers

5 Things to do During Your Summer Break

Ready for summer? Counting down the days until the students are gone and your close-out work is done for the school year? While you may be ready to make a mad dash for the door without looking back, I have five ideas of things you might want to consider doing …

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when you feel like quitting

4 Simple Steps for When You Feel Like Quitting

Are you a tired teacher? Do you feel like you can’t go another day? Here are some really simple steps you can take when you feel like quitting. Step 1: Breathe Sometimes when the pressure becomes too much for us, our breathing becomes shallow and quick and we don’t even …

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teacher burnout

8 Ways to Conquer Teacher Burnout

Teacher burnout is a real and emotionally taxing mental state. Unfortunately, many teachers across this nation suffer from the effects that lead to teacher burnout, like intense stress, unrealistic expectations from administration, and a lack of respect. Here are a few simple tips to help you conquer burnout. Stay focused. …

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