summer break for teachers

5 Things to do During Your Summer Break

Ready for summer? Counting down the days until the students are gone and your close-out work is done for the school year? While you may be ready to make a mad dash for the door without looking back, I have five ideas of things you might want to consider doing …

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when you feel like quitting

4 Simple Steps for When You Feel Like Quitting

Are you a tired teacher? Do you feel like you can’t go another day? Here are some really simple steps you can take when you feel like quitting. Step 1: Breathe Sometimes when the pressure becomes too much for us, our breathing becomes shallow and quick and we don’t even …

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teacher burnout

8 Ways to Conquer Teacher Burnout

Teacher burnout is a real and emotionally taxing mental state. Unfortunately, many teachers across this nation suffer from the effects that lead to teacher burnout, like intense stress, unrealistic expectations from administration, and a lack of respect. Here are a few simple tips to help you conquer burnout. Stay focused. …

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getting your classroom summer ready

6 Tips for Getting Your Classroom Ready for the Summer

Is there anything more exciting than the end of the school year? You and your students have worked hard all year. Now it’s time to celebrate all the growth and get ready to close your classroom door for the summer. The countdown is on. You’re ready and so are the …

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